in Men & Women
Hair loss or hair fall are the two most dreaded words that are almost a horror story that nobody wants to ever live through. Be it a man or a woman, most people suffer from hair loss and often get stuck the look of treatments claiming to be the best hair fall treatment in Chennai or best hair loss treatment in Chennai but nothing works. Only the best trichologist can do a correct diagnosis of the cause of hair fall and tell you whether the hair fall is normal or abnormal. It is actually not possible to count the 100 normal strands every day and hair fall always seems alarming to the human mind.
The hair is our pride and joy, it is an integral part of our identity and appearance and reflects our style in more than one way than one. Therefore, it is necessary that you visit the best hair clinic in Chennai to control the crippling problem of hair fall that you have been facing. Hair loss or hair thinning can happen at an age. In some people it is a gradual process often attributed to ageing and in some it is like hair today and gone tomorrow .
Top doctor for hair treatment in Chennai can answer the plaguing question of how to control hair fall and what can you do to make your hair grow naturally. Hair loss treatment in Chennai is your go to solution when the tried and tested home remedies have not been able to get you the much-needed relief. Most people shy away from hair fall control treatments because they worry about the best hair treatment cost in Chennai. But worry not our top trichologist will give you the best and most effective solution for hair fall and hair regrowth.
In Tamil
Types and causes of hair fall, loss and thinning
Before you get into the cycle of trying this and that or mindlessly changing hair oils and medications lets take a look at some of the top causes of hair fall listed by best hair specialist in Chennai

Stress: Sometimes undue pressure of our everyday life and disrupted routines can cause a trigger of hair fall. It is also one of the biggest reasons of hair fall. It is not a permanent problem but the solution is more effective when the treatment begins early.
Styling: We love the celebrity like hair styles but regular use of flat irons, curling tongs, blow dryers etc. can cause permanent hair damage leading to hair thinning.
Diet: the second most common cause of hair loss is the lack of protein in the daily diet. Deficiency of iron and vitamin B in the food leads to lack of nourishment to the hair roots. This cause them to weaken and hair tends to fall.
Aging: As we age our cells also become old and reduced hair growth is a result of getting older. The hair cell regeneration becomes slow the catagen phase of hair growth becomes longer.
Medications: Certain medications can also cause temporary hair fall. Talk to your doctor about the side effects of the medications that he is taking.
Unhealthy scalp: The scalp is the birthplace of the hair. Sweat, dirt, oil can clog the hair follicles and cause hair fall. Simple hair fall remedies can clean the scalp and lead to healthy hair growth.
When dealing with hair fall it is advisable to opt for the best hair fall treatment in Chennai and it is quintessential to have a specific treatment targeting the cause and type of hair fall. The most common types of hair fall that can be treated at the best hair fall treatment clinic in Chennai are:

Alopecia areata which is caused because of inflammation of scalp and leads to hair loss in circular patches.
Traction alopecia is caused because of tight hair styles which cause pressure at the hair follicles.
Trichotillomania is also an immune disorder in which the sufferer tends to pull his or her hair involuntarily.
Tinea capitis is causes because of fungal infections in the scalp and is very common in children
Secondary syphilis
Telogen effluvium cause hair loss from the frontal portion of the scalp. This condition is often triggered by sudden changes or stress in life because of illness, pregnancy etc.
Anagen effluvium results from injury to the hair follicles and disrupts the growth phase of hair cycle.
Androgenetic alopecia is a hair loss that is hereditary and affects both men and women.
Cicatricial alopecia cause scars in the follicles that cannot be repaired and is caused because of inflammation in the stem cells.
Every cause of hair fall needs different type of treatment and best hair fall treatment in Chennai begins with some basic blood tests and a scalp biopsy and other tests to know the health of the scalp and the best treatments that will work.
To help you get rid of the hair fall problem and stimulate new hair growth the top hair growth treatment in Chennai includes the following surgical and non-surgical treatment options for men, women and children:
5AR inhibitors Medications: These medications are used to control mid to low hair loss. This type of hair loss treatment in Chennai uses the following options

Spironolactone, Ketoconazole Shampoo and Contraceptives: These are used to reduce scalp inflammation and are especially beneficial for women suffering from AGA.
Medications are effective hair fall treatment in Chennai and it is best to consult the best trichologist in Chennai to understand the advantages and disadvantage of each medication and whether they are suitable for your problem of hair thinning. The best hair fall treatment cost in Chennai using various medications is about thousand rupees a month.
Low level laser therapy: This type of non-invasive hair fall treatment is used for the treatment of different types of hair fall. Best hair doctor in Chennai uses this hair regrowth treatment along with combination of medications to give faster results. The laser therapy is available in various forms such as comb, helmets, hoods etc.
Hair transplantation: This is the oldest known treatment for hair loss and baldness. Hair transplant as the best baldness treatment in Chennai is used for men who are suffering from AGA and have significantly balding areas. Hair transplant treatment Chennai is used for people who are not benefiting with hair growth therapies. QR678® Neo hair growth treatment is used by best hair doctors in Chennai before and after hair transplant treatments to improve the chances of better transplantation and improved results.
Platelet rich plasma therapy (PRP): Best hair fall treatment clinic in Chennai use PRP treatment on patients who are looking to revive their hair growth. PRP treatment uses the good platelets in the patient’s blood to give a lease of live to the dormant hair follicles. The platelets are injected in the balding areas of the scalp using a procedure called microneedling. Microneedling is a simple procedure that is used to improve topical drug delivery. The price of best hair fall treatment in Chennai using PRP is around Rs 30000/- for three sittings. The booster doses are done every six months.
Stem cell therapy: This new age hair fall treatment is one of the best baldness treatments in Chennai for treating severe conditions like the cicatricial alopecia i.e., scar tissue treatments. Stem cell therapy uses the regenerative cells from the patient’s body to replace the damaged tissue. This is a costlier procedure than other hair growth therapies.
Extensive and proven research has gone into development of this hair fall treatment. Many scientific researches have cemented the effectiveness of QR678® Neo hair fall treatment. This treatment in Chennai for improving hair growth is effective for men, women and children.
QR678® Neo hair fall treatment is a mix of formulated growth factors that contain a mix of essential peptides, vitamins, amino acids, nutrients and minerals that target the hair follicles and stimulate them in the growth phase resulting and natural and thicker hair growth.
QR678® Neo is FDA approved and has both India and USA patent. The price of QR678® Neo varies from clinic to clinic and can range from Rs. 10000 to Rs. 15000 per session of therapy. The treatment lasts for about 6-8 months and there is no need for booster doses once the treatment is over. The results are fast and long lasting. The success rate of QR678® Neo hair fall treatment is more than 80% and the treatment is suitable for patients suffering from hair loss because of chemotherapy, hormonal hair loss, stress related hair loss, hair loss because of pregnancy and dermatitis etc.
QR678® Neo Hair Growth Treatment for Hair Loss & Baldness
Before & After Photo Results in Men and Women
The QR678® Neo therapy is a proprietary, first-in-class therapy, backed by science that arrests hair fall & increases the thickness, number, and density of existing hair follicles leading to greater coverage in hair loss. The biomimetic polypeptides used in the formulation mimic the action of specific human hair growth related growth factors that are naturally present in our scalp, making it natural growth factor-based treatment. The polypeptides penetrate deep into the scalp and provide nourishment to the scalp, which results in hair growth. Unlike other treatments that contains minoxidil & finasteride, QR678® Neo therapy is completely devoid of side effects.


(Derived From Plants)

Quick & Effective (Single
Session in 10 Minutes)

Non Surgical

Success Rate

13+ Published Researched Clinical Trials Demonstrating Efficacy


25 year old female from alopecia areata, was also diagnosed with hypothyroid. She achieved impressive results with QR678, a completely steroid-off treatment.

39 year old male suffering from male pattern hair loss for 15 years gained a significant amount of hair with QR678


CUTICON – December 2023



How is QR678® Neo better than other hair fall treatments?
QR678® Neo is a mixture of natural growth factors that are already present in the scalp and therefore it is completely safe to use on everybody. It has the right concentration of specific hair growth factors and QR678® Neo does not have any side effects, is performed as an outpatient procedure and the results are visible within eight weeks of starting the treatment. You can listen for yourself what the patients say about QR678® Neo hair fall treatment https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pIvjpQgSsrc
How often do I need to repeat QR678® Neo treatment?
QR678® Neo injections are administered in 8-12 sessions in about 3-4 weeks apart. The results are visible after few weeks. Once you have achieved the desired results the injections need not be repeated unless the hair fall starts again. This is because QR678® Neo make the hair follicles healthy. Get to know more about why QR678® Neo is highly effective in treating hair fall and increasing hair growth. http://www.qr678.in/
What precautions should I take after QR678® Neo treatment?
QR678® Neo is a completely safe treatment without side effects and you can go about your daily routine after the sessions. The only care you need to take is to use a gentle shampoo not before the next day of the treatment and avoid scratching and rubbing the treating area. If you have any other problem then consult your dermatologist. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNm2z3EGLxg
Can QR678® Neo be used after hair transplant?
Yes, using QR678® Neo after hair transplant produces very successful results. QR678® Neo gives faster density and reduces the catagen loss of transplanted hair. The growth factors in QR678® Neo help in faster healing and activate the dormant follicles and thus - Increase the viability of hair follicles - Improve healing and repairing of tissue process - Strengthen the inactive hair follicles and stimulate hair growth - Improves the health of existing hair and they will become fuller and stronger QR678® Neo can be given in multiple treatment sessions after three to four weeks after successful hair transplant surgery. QR678® Neo can also be used before the hair transplant surgery to reduce the area of transplant and improve the results.
How is QR678® Neo better than PRP and stem cell hair fall treatment?
QR678® Neo is a relatively new treatment for hair fall and hair regrowth but in the short time of its invention QR678® Neo has proven to be more effective than PRP and stem cell treatment for reducing hair fall. QR678® Neo produces longer lasting and better results and is completely safe and without any side effects. QR678® Neo can help treat and rogenetic alopecia, female pattern hair loss, and hair loss because of chemotherapy, seborrheic dermatitis, and alopecia areata. PRP and stem cell on the other hand do not have the specific concentration of required growth factors, they lack standardisation in terms of treatment protocols and preparation of the solution injected and lack good quality studies to prove their benefits. produce guaranteed results and can cause tightness and tenderness in scalp, scar tissue formation, calcification of the injected points, and formation of scar tissues. Both processes are still under investigation and their results are still awaiting confirmation. Dr Rinky Kapoor of The Esthetic Clinics explains the difference between QR678® Neo and stem cell here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgNihm8ciu4 and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUWXKzVh0PM
Can genetic hair loss be treated?
Yes genetic hair loss can be treated if the treatment is started in time. Heredity hair loss usually runs in the family and can affect both men and women. If you too have a close elder relative who lost his or hair in a patterned baldness then you should keep a close eye on your hair too. Hereditary hair loss usually happens in a pattern; M or W shaped in men and along the hair part in women. See the doctor immediately if you suffer from hair loss. There are many common and successful treatments available for genetic hair loss which include
- Topical and oral medications: These include Minoxidil topical lotion and Finasteride tablets.
- Hair transplantation using FUT and FUE methods.
- Nutritional supplements: Your physician might also suggest some hair supplements that can help arrest hair fall. Dietary supplements containing Vitamin A, C, and Biotin, zinc, and iron can also help control hair fall caused because of genetics.
Treatment option for Chemotherapy induced Alopecia?
Alopecia post chemotherapy is a very common consequence of cancer treatments and therapies and it is often the most psychologically and socially devastating side effect. Many patients shy away from the treatments because of fear of hair fall and hair loss. However, in most cases, such alopecia is reversible but the recovery takes several months and even up to a year. Some basic latest treatment methods will speed up the healing: - Scalp Cooling: This is a FDA approved method for patients suffering from breast cancer. Scalp cooling or hypothermia results in constriction of the blood vessels in the scalp, which in turn leads to reduced delivery of chemotherapy to the hair. Scalp cooling devices consist of cooling unit that circulate the coolant on the scalp. This is done about 30 minutes before the start of chemotherapy. Patients can feel some mild discomfort, nausea, and dry skin because of scalp cooling. - Topical Minoxidil: Minoxidil helps by increasing the blood flow to the hair follicle thereby preventing miniaturization of hair follicle. - QR678® Neo hair regrowth treatment: QR678® Neo is a FDA approved, completely safe hair regrowth treatment that has no side effects or causes any discomfort to the patient. Clinical trials have proved QR678 to be effective in treatment of chemotherapy induced alopecia in both men and women. The results of QR678® Neo last lifelong.
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