
Indian Facial Plastic surgeon Dr. Debraj Shome and Cosmetic Dermatologist Dr. Rinky Kapoor have recently been granted the US patent for the QR678 hair regrowth molecule which they have invented.This is a treatment for male and female Androgenetic Alopecia, Alopecia Areata and Secondary Alopecia.This technology has been tried in more than 10000 patient s since 2010, of which 100 patients have been those who had lost hair post chemotherapy for different types of cancers.Dr. Shome says that hair related cosmetics and current treatments have limitations. They cannot revive the hair beyond a certain stage. The QR678 not only arrests hair fall, but also stimulates hair growth. Once the requisite approvals come through,  specialist cosmetologists can be trained and permitted to use it for the benefit of their patients.

For more information, refer the below pdf or link given below








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